This game is a playable version of Edgar Allan Poe's classic short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart."  The original story can be found here:

This game is fully released, though the may be small updates in the future. The game is built in ink, an interactive fiction scripting language, using the inky editor. More information can be found here:

This game is playable in a web browser on desktop or mobile devices. A full playthrough should take less than 5 minutes in most cases.

On desktop the game should appear embedded within this page above this text. You should see a scroll bar allowing you to scroll the game window. To restart and replay the game on desktop devices you can simply refresh this web page.

On mobile devices you'll need to click the "run game" button to start the game, which will open the game in full screen on your mobile device.  Clicking the back button should return to this page.  You can then choose "refresh game" to return to where you were, or you can refresh the web page and then click the "run game" option to start a new playthrough.

You can also use the  built-in ink controls at the top of the game window to restart the game, save, and load. The "theme" option also allows you to switch between light and dark theme - the default theme is dark.

If you'd like to contact me, the easiest option is I'd appreciate any feedback you have, especially if you find any typos or bugs!

Want the full source code for the game?  You can find that on GitHub here:

1.01 update changelog:

- Fixed a typo in one of the endings

- Edited some of the comments in the game's ink file; these can be seen in the GitHub repository.